03 Mar
10:00 AM
03 Mar, 11:30 AM
1h 30m
Worm Composting Workshop
Pollinated Flower Farm
5915 S. Westwind Rd
Worms reduce, reuse, recycle and you can too!
This class will teach you everything you need to know about composting with worms in a container or in your garden bed. We will teach both container composting (for those who want the benefits of worm castings for their indoor or outdoor plants, but would like the flexibility and mobility a worm bin offers) and in-bed composting for those that want worms in their garden.
What you’ll learn:
- How we raise and keep worms year round here in Las Vegas (inside and outside)
- The benefits of vermicomposting
- How to set up a 17 gallon worm habitat (indoor or outdoors)
- How to care for red wigglers
- How to harvest worm castings
- How to utilize worm castings as a cheap and easy garden amendment to improve your chances for organic garden and landscaping success.
What to bring:
- Dress for the weather, we will be outside.
- Bring gloves if you don't want to get your hands dirty.
- Also don't forget water or your favorite beverage.
Price: $55
Duration: 1.5hrs
Included: Materials for making your own worm bin PLUS 500 to 800 worms!
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