What should you feed your worms?

Worms eat a variety of organic matter, but they also need a balanced diet and for them that is a higher Carbon to Nitrogen ration. So what does that mean? It means that you want more brown “Carbon” material than green “Nitrogen” material.

f you have your worm bin setup, then you should already have bedding in the bin. Bedding can comprise cardboard, coco coir, peat moss, or dry leaves. Once the bin is set up, you can start adding your green material. Always add greens sparingly and cover it.

Carbon “Browns” 
Dry leaves
Dry grass
Peat Moss
Coco coi

Nitrogen “Greens”
Fresh cut grass

What not to feed your worms.
You should not feed your worms meat or dairy. These foods will bring other creatures to your worm bin you don’t want.
A few other foods that you can feed them, but you should be careful with would be spicy peppers, citrus fruits and acidic things like tomatoes. Worms will eat these but it will change the chemistry in your worm bin drastically and that could be detrimental to the worms. If you feed them, these do it rarely and in smaller quantities.

Feeding options
The easy way is to just throw it in the bin and cover it with some beddings and the worms will get to it. If you would like them to process it more quickly, you can chop it into smaller pieces or place it in the freezer first. These methods will help break down the food faster so it’s easier for the worms to consume. This could be helpful for tougher foods like raw potatoes and carrots.

When feeding your worms, do it in small quantities and cover the food once you place it in the bin. Shoot for feeding every 3 days or so, but if they haven’t consumed the food, then wait to feed again. In ideal conditions, worms will eat about 1/2 their body weight in food a day. If you add too many greens at once, then your worm bin will start to smell bad, like rotting food. If that occurs, remove some greens or add more browns to the worm bin and wait to feed.
Soon enough, the worms will create castings you can use for your garden and plants
If you have your worm bin setup, then you should already have bedding in the bin. Bedding can comprise cardboard, coco coir, peat moss, or dry leaves. Once the bin is set up, you can start adding your green material. Always add greens sparingly and cover it.

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